Thursday, January 26, 2023

First Rough Draft

 Immediately after the first shoot we began to try and edit a rough cut with the shots we had to see how it would be done and how it was looking right now. We found the problems immediately and so now we know which shots we need to do again and how to go about other shots that we still have to do.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Shooting Day 1

 We got to the location for our first day of shooting, a little short of day light but wanting to begin and get some shots so that we see how they are turning out to be. We wanted the inital shots to be good but we also wanted an idea of how to shoot the music video and understand what difficulties we could run into.

We began shooting the first verse of the song which took a few takes. We then took a few takes of the chorus and some fun shots to include. We were lucky to find a beautiful sunset for our background.

We got some very pretty shots and I was able to take some pictures that fit our aesthetic very well for the social media page and the digipak. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Practise Shoot - Multiplicity

 We want our shoots to go smoothly and so we are trying our best to ensure that. This is why we wanted to practise one of the most technical shots which we are expecting to have trouble filming and editing- the multiplicity shot. So we asked one of our friends if he would be willing to help us practise and we tried to understand how we would get the shots.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Practise Shoot - Skateboard

 We have included a skateboard shot to match our chill vibe. While we included it in our planning, we did not have an exact idea of how it would look or what it would be like shooting it. For this reason we decided to have a practise shoot to see what a shot on a skateboard would look like and how we would shoot and edit it. We think it turned out pretty well. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Story Board

 We created a storyboard so that we would be able to get a visual representation of what we were planning. We also wanted to ensure that our team was on the same page with the ideas.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Location Hunting

For our music video to be a success we need to have the perfect locations. For this purpose we went location hunting today, looking for spots where it would be safe to shoot and we would also get the space we need and the look that we want. I think we found some places that will work.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Class Trip

 The media classes of AS and A2 were taken for a class trip to the Pakistan TeleVision, PTV Headquarters in Islamabad. We got to see the way the media environment works at a national news station. We got to sit through a live news broadcast and we got to see how the green screen works along with all the equipment to give smooth transitions and backgrounds. We saw the ways the lights and mics were placed to optimise their use which is something we plan to follow in our project. 

We also learned about the transmittence of news, technological convergence in the real world and got to meet some amazing journalists as well as some broadcasters. Furthermore, we were introduced to some editors and producers who gave us tips on how to do things. 

Final Project